Welcome to PyGenesis Django’s documentation!
PyGenesis Django
Python Django package repository template
Project on GitHub
PyGenesis is a comprehensive Python Django package template designed to kickstart your projects instantly. With a clean and organized structure, it provides a hassle-free starting point for developers. Effortlessly begin your Python endeavors, focusing on your code, not the setup. Jumpstart your creativity with PyGenesis Django.
Open Source Project
This is the open source project with MIT license. Be free to use, fork, clone and contribute.
This README (Change it for your python project)
This template base on libresource/pygenesis.
It contains may useful files for open source project: (CHECKLIST.md, CONTGIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, and much more).
setup.py for build your package
requirements.txt and dev-requirements.txt
Makefile with main commands to work with the project
run tests
calculate coverage
build and install package
generate autodocumentation
GitHub workflows
generate documentation
run tests with coverage
run linter
publish your package in PyPi
wheel Django==5.1.4
Development Status
3 - Alpha