Developer Documentation
Install requirement
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
First check Makefile. It contains many useful commands to work with the project:
- test:
- coverage:
pytest -s –cov –cov-report html –cov-fail-under 100
- yamllint:
yamllint -d relaxed .
- black:
black .
- build:
python -m build
- install:
make build pip install dist/*.whl
- uninstall:
pip uninstall pygenesis -y rm -rf dist rm -rf django_dry_tests.egg-info
- reinstall:
make uninstall make install
- pylint:
pylint $(shell git ls-files ‘*.py’)
- lint:
make yamllint make pylint
- sphinx-help:
make help -f Sphinxfile
- package_docs:
sphinx-apidoc -o docs/package pygenesis/
Get started
You can start with test and test coverage:
make coverage
make test
Check lint and test coverage before sending pull-request
make lint
Build documentation
make package_docs
cd docs
make clean html
make html